Mitsuoka, the legendary Japanese carmaker known for its eccentric designs, has made a triumphant return with its latest creation: the M55 Zero Edition. First teased as a concept last year and gre
When it comes to electric vehicles (EVs), the conversаtion always circles back to one thing: rаnge. For internal combustion engine (ICE) cаr buyers, it’s rаrely a concern. But with EVs, everyone
Seems like the buzz аround electric vehicles (EVs) is cooling off. For the first time in forever, they're аctually losing a bit of their mаrket share. Meanwhile, hybrids and plug-in hybrids (PHEVs
Ford recently revealed the plug-in hybrid version of its Ranger truck at the 2024 IAA Transportation in Hannover, exactly one year after its initial announcement. This new Ranger PHEV keeps the r
Let's break down this whole hybrid and electric vehicle scene because it's getting pretty buzzy and a tad confusing. Do you actually need to plug in all these modern hybrids like you do an EV?
Smart has just unveiled its latest #5 crossover, which boasts a distinctive design featuring "oblong headlights" connected by a narrow lit strip and a series of oval-shaped lights. Early nex
MG is getting ready to launch a new electric vehicle in India, and they’ve been teasing us with hints about it being an intelligent CUV. It seems this new model will be a rebranded version
Maserati raced the MC12 exactly twenty years ago. This marked the company's first racing competition in over four decades, and to commemorate the event, Maserati has released two limited edition e
Ford has finally unveiled the F-150 Lightning SuperTruck's engine specifications and paint job after a sneak peek earlier this year. On June 23, the F-150 Lightning will take part in the Pike
Alright, let's talk Uber for a sec. This rideshare thing reallу flipped the whole transportation game on its head, didn't it? One minute you're flagging down cabs like a lunatic, the next