Car Show
Naran V8 Hyper Coupe

With only 49 units planned, the new low-volume hypercar has some power, indeed. The UK-based Naran Automotive wants to show you a whole new definition of a wide-eyed startup. Despite the hybri

Are the modern driving aid technologies a wolf disguised in a ship’s skin?

Insurance Institute for Highway Safety and MIT did research to warn the drivers that the permanent evolving automotive driving aid technologies are no reason for fully trusting the system and relax.

Car News
It’s another Car Recall. Now For Toyota And Lexus

This time the motive for the recall is the fuel pump problems. At first, Toyota recalled back in January about 700,000 cars, and 11 months later the recall is almost 1.5 million vehicles. Appar

Car News
Nissan is next in line to moving car assembly.

After Volkswagen announced 3 months ago opening its own plant in Ghana, Nissan Motor Co also wants to start their final assembly in the same country. This one will be the fourth in Africa.

Car News
The UK Might Have A Ban On The Sale For New Petrol And Diesel Cars Starting in 2030.

Next week, there’s a planned announcement soon to be made by the British Prime Minister Boris Johnson. The ban was originally planned to start from 2040, later moved down to 2035, due to the

Heated Headlight System: The New Definition of Future Safety

Now it’s time for heated headlamps folks. The German material science company, Canatu, came with a concept for heated headlamps. The LED lights don’t produce a great deal of h

The First Off-Planet Rover to Have Headlights - NASA's New Water-Hunting Rover

None of the wheeled rovers and robots that have been sent from Earth to other places have actually had headlights of any kind. NASA’s next lunar rover, VIPER, is going to change that.

Shelby Cobra Will Get an Electric Heart

The car industry aims for going electric. Shelby Cobra’s famous V8 engine that makes it still a respected rival on racetracks all over the world will be replaced with an electric heart, but

McLaren P1 Vs Ferrari F40: Drag Race Between Two Decades of Engineering

The drag race is the icon of the '80s - Ferrari F40 against no other than the legendary supercar McLaren P1, produced in a limited run in the previous decade. Two decades of en

Car News
ZF gearboxes move from the “city box” with its first compact car!

With enviable modesty, the German company ZF recently announced its first compact city car built entirely “home”. The concept called Smart Urban Vehicle comes to revolutionize urban

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