How to make Gymkhana with a Lamborghini Gallardo!
by AllAutoExperts | 8 May, 2013
Ken Block accustomed us to all his video clips in which he is making Gymkhana with different rally cars. Well, today is a new day, so it's time to see how to make a Gymkhana with a Lamborghini Gallardo, without Ken Block driving.
When we talk about the cars, Gymkhana means a competition of skill. And if you want to believe it or not, in Romania were held such competitions since the dawn of world motoring. In 1935, for example, such a competition was organized on the Venus Society lands in Bucharest.
But those days have passed, and now the term of Gymkhana is most commonly associated by Ken Block, who stunned the Internet with his video clips, where he goes nuts with some rally car.
Although not everyone has access to the cars that Ken Block has, there are people on this planet who prefer to use their Supercars they hold in every possible and impossible modes.
Such as the next guy, for example. He was inspired by the Block's videos, and decided to do the same driving a Lamborghini Gallardo. Even he is not up to the same level of Ken Block assemblies, the user who published this YouTube video says, that it is just a training for a future video.