Is There A Possibility Of The Porsche Carma Concept Going Into Production?
by AllAutoExperts | 20 November, 2015
Porsche Carma: One day, four students at the Superior Design University in France, decided to join forces and create an extreme sports car, which would be suitable for everyday use, as well.
The team consisting of Julie Dicks, Pierre Delavault, Germain Baillot, and Simion Meniu came up with the Porsche Carma concept, which presents some innovations in aerodynamics.
The Porsche Carma has an internal rear spoiler, which at high speeds floats back a couple of inches and creates a channel for the air to get to the flat-six engine, in the middle of the back. The floor of the car is also an important part of the aerodynamics, practically pushing it onto the road and helps it reach higher speeds.
Some old and present Porsche models have borrowed their lines to Carma's exterior design. Remember the rear of 928? You'll find it on Camaro's back!
However, this is not an official Porsche concept, so we don't expect to see it become real any time soon.