Tips & Tricks
Underseal: The Essential Defense Against Car Rust

Rust is a total pain. One minute your car's fine, the next it's failing its inspection because you could practically poke your finger through the floorboards. Underseal is one way to fight bac

Torque 101: Unraveling the Mystery Behind Your Car's Muscle

Okay, manufacturers love making us feel dumb by throwing around words like "torque." But let me break it down the way I'd explain it to my buddies over a beer: Torque: The Grunt Work

Car News
Ineos Grenadier Chassis Cab Is The Versatile Solution For Specialized Vehicles

For specialized vehicles and LCV conversions, Ineos has introduced a new Grenadier model. Built on the same platform as the current pickup, the Ineos Grenadier Quartermaster Chassis Cab features an ex

Tips & Tricks
Unlocking Savings: How the New Electric Car Tax Credit Works in 2024

Okay, the government finally decided to make going electric a little sweeter! If you're eyeing a new electric car in 2024, there's this new tax credit thing that could save you big bucks. Here

Tips & Tricks
Choosing Car Colors: The Pros and Cons of Going White

Okay, choosing a car color should be the fun part of the process, right? But it's easy to blank out if you aren't wild about any one color. That's probably why so many of us end up with wh

Auto Nightmares: The Most Terrifying Car Experiences Shared by Enthusiasts

Halloween might be the official spooky season, but let's be real – sometimes the worst scares happen behind the wheel. We polled the Auto Express crew to share their most terrifying car stor

Car News
BYD's Meteoric Rise: From Industry Joke to Global Electric Car Leader

Remember back in 2007, when BYD tried showing off their cars in the US? Total disaster. Ugly paint job, the doors didn't even fit right. People in the auto industry were laughing their heads off.

Car News
End of the Road: Apple's Ambitious Car Project Officially Scrapped

Apple's car project is finally dead. After a decade, billions of dollars spent, and more twists and turns than an F1 race, it's over. Employees always had a sneaking suspicion it wasn't go

Electric Vehicle Boom in the U.S.: A Record-Breaking Million EVs Sold

Okay, so last year was BIG for electric cars in the U.S. – over one million sold! That's a record. Electric cars (EVs) are now taking up a way bigger chunk of the new car market than they us

Car News
Mercedes-AMG GT-R Plunges Into Canal: A High-Speed Misadventure Gone Wrong

Dude, check this out: some poor schmuck in the Netherlands just managed to sink their Mercedes-AMG GT-R in a canal. Like, we're talking mostly underwater, spoiler sticking out kind of situation. A

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