The Chinese present the first brain powered car! (VIDEO)
by AllAutoExperts | 29 December, 2015
A group of Chinese researchers recently published the results of hard work for several years, they tried to create a 100% operable car with mind power! The result thanked the Chinese so they hurried to present to the world the investment.
The authors are a few university students in the city of Tianjin Nankai, which under the patronage of Professor Duan Feng, turned a series of model SUV Haval H9 in a fully operable car only with the pulse generated by the human brain.
The method is not really unusual in this area as AutoExpert previously wrote about a similar experiment in the United States. Unlike the US, however, it is not a Chinese car i3, but a road car and can only be moved ahead or back, while the EV can be driven and in curves.
Even so, the feat students deserve to be fully appreciated and prove once again that in the future may no longer need to pedal or wheel to drive a car.