Bus Rapid Transit (BRT): Urban Transport's Hero or Villain?

Ever feel like you're stuck in a rush hour traffic jam, while a regular ol' bus breezes past in a special lane? That, my friend, is a Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) system in action. Think of it as t

Debunking Myths: The Environmental and Human Impact of Electric Vehicle Batteries

In a world rapidly transitioning to electric vehicles (EVs), there's growing concern about the environmental and ethical implications of mining for battery minerals. In our EV mythbusters series,

Charging into Danger: The Hidden Cybersecurity Risks of EV Chargers

As electric vehicles (EVs) gain popularity, a new concern arises: the vulnerability of EV chargers to cyber attacks. While we appreciate the convenience and environmental benefits of these charging st

Tips & Tricks
Shifting Gears: How Electric Cars Re-define Auto Maintenance Norms

The automotive tapestry is undergoing a vibrant transformation as electric vehicles (EVs) silently yet powerfully, make their presence felt on the roads. This shift from Internal Combustion Engines (I

Car News
Set To Arrive On January 3rd: Mercedes-Benz Vision EQXX Electric Vehicle

In a statement, Markus Schäfer, the CEO of Mercedes-Benz, revealed the Vision EQXX concept car will make its public debut on 3 January. Mercedes-Benz Vision EQXX has been teased as a revolutionar
