Tips & Tricks
Exploring Smart Cars: Advanced Self-Diagnostic Features

Hey friends, buckle up because I'm about to lay some crazy knowledge on you about how smart our cars have gotten these days. We're talking straight-up self-diagnosing wizardry that would make

Tips & Tricks
7 Essential Tips to Make Your Car Theft-Proof

How about being real about car safety, 'cause let's face it, this is your second home on wheels – and it comes full of expensive stuff too.  The last thing you want is some crook ro

License Plates: Way More Interesting Than You Thought

Remember when there were, like, NO cars? Yeah, neither do we. But in 1900, owning a car was a rich-person flex. Governments realized they needed to track who owned what, hence the first license plates

Under Surveillance: How Automakers Sell Your Driving Data to Insurers

This report from the New York Times is straight-up bonkers. Automakers are basically handing over all our driving data to insurance companies, who then use it to jack up our rates. Like, what the actu

Tips & Tricks
Distracted Driving Crisis: Why Aren't Our Smartphones Revealing the True Toll?

Okay, seriously, our phones know EVERYTHING. What we eat, what dumb stuff we Google late at night... but they're not tracking how many car crashes are caused because some idiot was scrolling Insta

Canada's Auto Theft Epidemic: Vehicles Vanish, Often Ending Up Overseas

The government of Canada has called a national meeting to discuss the increasing problem of auto theft, which is becoming a major concern. The summit is scheduled for February 8th. The Canadian govern

Charging into Danger: The Hidden Cybersecurity Risks of EV Chargers

As electric vehicles (EVs) gain popularity, a new concern arises: the vulnerability of EV chargers to cyber attacks. While we appreciate the convenience and environmental benefits of these charging st

Tips & Tricks
Navigating Teen Driving: Top 3 Apps for Monitoring Their Journey on the Road

The road to teen driving is laden with mixed emotions - a blend of exhilaration for the teens and a dash of anxiety for the parents. As teenagers step into this new realm of independence, parents are

Tips & Tricks
Investing in Timelessness: A Comprehensive Guide to Classic Car Insurance in 2023

So, you’ve got your hands on a vintage beauty, huh? Whether it's a '69 Ford Mustang or a '57 Chevy Bel Air, owning a classic car is like holding a piece of history. But here’s

Tips & Tricks
Hop In and Buckle Up: Your Ultimate Guide to Ridesharing Safety in 2023

So, ridesharing. It’s pretty much the sliced bread of modern transportation, right? It’s quick, it’s easy, and it’s usually cheaper than a taxi. But let’s be real; being

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