Tesla's Self-Driving Software: A Tale of Two Experiences

Ever watch those flashy Tesla videos where the car practically drives itself? Seems too good to be true, right? Well, according to a new report, there might be more to the story than meets the eye. He

Tesla Severance Controversy: What Employees Really Get After Layoffs

Here's what we found out: Two Months and You're Out: Doesn't matter if you worked there for a year or five, everyone gets the same measly payout. Basically, they get paid till mid-Ju

Car News
Tesla's Bold Move: Elon Musk Mandates FSD Demos for Every New Delivery in North America

So, get this: Elon Musk is making every single Tesla employee in North America play chauffeur for a minute. Why? He wants everyone who buys a new Tesla to try out that fancy "Full Self-Driving&qu

Car News
End of the Road: Apple's Ambitious Car Project Officially Scrapped

Apple's car project is finally dead. After a decade, billions of dollars spent, and more twists and turns than an F1 race, it's over. Employees always had a sneaking suspicion it wasn't go

Much Like Tesla Lidar Chips, Nio Lidar And Nio Self-Driving Chips Will Be Manufactured In-House

During the crisis caused by a lack of semiconductors, Tesla's production numbers were impossible to ignore. Many of Tesla's semiconductor chips are manufactured in-house, enabling the company
