Putin's Lavish Gift to Kim Jong Un: A Sanctions Defying Aurus Senat Limo

by AutoExpert | 23 February, 2024
Okay, get this: Putin just gave Kim Jong Un the most ridiculous gift, and it's kinda pissing off the UN.
So, Kim Jong Un took a trip to Russia and now he's got himself a fancy new ride – a Russian-made Aurus Senat limo, straight from his buddy Putin. Sounds like just leaders being friendly, right? WRONG. See, the UN has all these sanctions in place to try and pressure North Korea to stop messing around with nukes, and one of those rules is "no luxury goods for Kim."
You won't believe how this went down. Putin gave Kim a ride in his own Senat limo a while back, and Kim was like, "Damn, that's nice!" So, naturally, Putin just hands him one as a gift. The Kremlin dude even said gifting the car was all about being "close neighbors." Smooth.
Now, here's the kicker – the UN resolution that bans this kinda stuff? Russia actually helped write it! So it's a bit of a slap in the face. But honestly, this isn't even the most shady thing going on between these two.
Word on the street is North Korea's been secretly supplying Russia with weapons for their whole Ukraine mess, and Russia might be giving them high-tech stuff in return. Like, a whole lot of rule-breaking, if that's true.
Anyway, it seems like Russia and North Korea are getting pretty cozy lately, probably because everyone else is giving them the cold shoulder. Remember when Russia and China blocked tougher sanctions against North Korea for their missile tests? Yeah, those ones the UN hates.
This limo is just gonna join Kim's insane collection of fancy cars – you know, those Mercedes-Maybachs and stuff that totally weren't smuggled in illegally. Dude loves his luxury, even with all the sanctions. And this Aurus? It's got a crazy V8 hybrid engine, even Porsche had a hand in it!