Toronto's Unconventional Advice on Rising Car Thefts: Just Hand Over the Keys?

Car crime is bad everywhere, but some cities are just losing it. Toronto is up nearly 150% in the past few years, and the cops have a brilliant new plan: just give thieves your car. One officer lit

Under Surveillance: How Automakers Sell Your Driving Data to Insurers

This report from the New York Times is straight-up bonkers. Automakers are basically handing over all our driving data to insurance companies, who then use it to jack up our rates. Like, what the actu

Tips & Tricks
Distracted Driving Crisis: Why Aren't Our Smartphones Revealing the True Toll?

Okay, seriously, our phones know EVERYTHING. What we eat, what dumb stuff we Google late at night... but they're not tracking how many car crashes are caused because some idiot was scrolling Insta

Car News
Meet the Fiat Pandina: The "Safest Panda Ever" with a Tech Touch

While everyone waits for the fancy new electric Panda (coming July 2024), Fiat just dropped a weird update to the existing one. It's called the "Pandina", and it's basically got some

Strangest Car Recalls Ever: Spiders, Missing Brakes, and Exploding Logos

Car recalls are usually boring, but sometimes... they get downright bizarre. Here's a few of our favorites that make you go "Wait, seriously?": 1. The Spider-Hating Mazda Mod

Car News
2024 Toyota Land Cruiser: Historic Price Drop Unveiled!

According to official news from the carmakers, the 2024 Toyota Land Cruiser will start at 57.345 USD. This price includes the base MSRP of 55.950 USD alongside a fee destination of 1.395 USD. 

Car News
2025 Kia Carnival: The Hybrid Minivan Revolution

The 2025 Kia Carnival is shaking things up with a cooler, sleeker look and diving headfirst into the hybrid pool, all while packing a serious tech punch for its grand entrance in the U.S. This

Car Construction Decoded: Monocoque, Unibody, and Body-on-Frame Explained

So, you're curious about what makes your car stand as sturdy as it does, right? It's all about how it's put together, and there are a couple of cool ways manufacturers do this: monocoque a

Car Safety 101: Understanding Active and Passive Safety Features

Alright, let's chat about keeping your ride and you in one piece with some car safety 101. Think of active and passive safety features like your car's dynamic duo for dodging trouble. Act

Tips & Tricks
Unsticking the Stuck: How to Fix Stubborn Car Windows

Today we are diving into a bit of a sticky situation—literally. Ever been cruising on a beautiful day, go to roll down your window to catch that breeze, and bam, it decides to play dead? Yup, we

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