When you buy an incredibly powerful car, you must make sure you know how to handle it. Hypercars are like wild horses you need to tame them, work with them, cooperate. With P1, 918 Spyder and LaFer
The Mulholland Highway is famous for being one of the best roads in the USA, constantly attracting bikers and adventurous drivers. Since it is so populated, chances for having an accident there are
Accidents are bad and nobody enjoys watching them. Except if maybe you are having a bad day, and a gallery full of stupid car crashes might cheer you up. We cannot understand how any of the bellow
We do not know why exactly, but accidents during racing have always been an exceptional show piquancy. The risk factor is, speed, weather conditions, the skill of the pilot, team strategy, all togethe
The car capable of flying, known as air mobility 3.0 spectacularly crashed during a test performed by its inventor last week in Slovakia. Although flying cars are more attributes of science fiction