Journey Through Automotive History: The Oldest Cars Still on the Road

Ever wonder what the real granddaddies of cars are? You might think it's the Ford Model T, thanks to good ol' American history class. But hold on to your hubcaps, because the internal combusti

The Future of Car Engines: Innovations Driving Efficiency and Power

Ever wished your car could be a gas-sipping green machine, a powerful beast, and all around good for the planet? Well, buckle up because engine technology is racing towards that dream! Here's the

Future of Car Repair: High-Tech Innovations Transforming Auto Service

Can you even imagine having to get under the hood and get your hands greasy just to fix something wrong with your car? Yeah, me neither - those days are becoming ancient history faster than you can sa

Modern Cars as Smartphones on Wheels: Embracing Over-the-Air Updates

Remember those clunky old cars? The ones with, like, zero surprises? Yeah, those days are toast. Buckle up, because cars are morphing into super-powered smartphones on wheels. We're talking softwa

Breaking Stereotypes: Why Electric Vehicles Need Feminine Design Touch

So, Tesla's Cybertruck. Love it or hate it, that thing is PEAK dudebro design, right? Like, it makes a Hummer look subtle. Then you've got all these other ridiculous-looking EVs, like they wer

From the Racetrack to Your Driveway: How Racing Tech Transforms Everyday Cars

Think racing's just dudes turning left and your Honda Fit are worlds apart? Think again. Turns out, those NASCAR beasts and Le Mans rockets have donated some SERIOUS tech to your grocery-getter. L

Tesla Scraps Gigacasting Plans Amidst Strategic Shifts

Remember when Tesla was all, "Gigacasting is the future! Giant car parts, robots, super cheap!"? Yeah, forget that noise. Apparently, that whole game-changing plan is in the trash because...

Car News
BMW Revamps Model Naming: 'i' Reserved for Electrics Only

You know how German car companies love messing with how they name their cars? Well, BMW's doing it again, but this time it actually makes sense! They're dropping the "i" from all the

Adventures End: EarthCruiser Ceases Operations

Overlanding vehicle specialists, EarthCruiser of Oregon, have officially gone out of business. Thursday, April 25, will be EarthCruiser's final day of operation, according to a statement published

Iconic Cars That Reshaped the Automotive World: From Beetle to Tesla

Cars changed the world, period. Some were flashy, some were basic, but they ALL made their mark. Here's the ultimate list: 1. The OG People's Car: Volkswagen Beetle: Love Bug, Herbie, whate

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