Rotary Engines: Who Else Runs on Them Except Mazda?

Ever heard of a rotary engine? It's this nifty piece of engineering thаt swaps out trаditional pistons for a spinning rotor, mаking things like higher RPMs and а compact engine design not just pos

Mastering the Art of Revving Your Engine: A Guide for Car Enthusiasts

Ever feel the need to give your cаr a good, enthusiаstic "vroom"?  For some folks, it's just part of driving. But for cаr enthusiasts, revving that engine is like listening to your

Car News
Limited-Edition Bugatti Bolide And W16 Mistral Near Delivery

The track-only Bolide and the limited-edition W16 Mistral are also expected to be delivered soon from Bugatti. There will be a strict production limit of 99 W16 Mistral vehicles and 40 Bolide vehicles

Car News
20 Years Of Racing: Maserati Launches Limited MC20 Icona And Leggenda Models

Maserati raced the MC12 exactly twenty years ago. This marked the company's first racing competition in over four decades, and to commemorate the event, Maserati has released two limited edition e

The Art of Carburetors: How Classic Car Engines Mix Fuel and Air

You know how your car needs gas to go? Well, carburetors were the OG part that made that happen for DECADES. Think of them like fancy fuel blenders: It's All About the Mix: Gas alone won&

How Speedometers Work: From Mechanical Wonders to Modern Marvels

Okay, every car has a speedometer, right? The big dial that tells you how fast you're going... but have you ever thought about HOW it actually knows? Turns out, it's kinda weird, and not as ac

Torque 101: Unraveling the Mystery Behind Your Car's Muscle

Okay, manufacturers love making us feel dumb by throwing around words like "torque." But let me break it down the way I'd explain it to my buddies over a beer: Torque: The Grunt Work

Tips & Tricks
Surviving Summer: The Real Cost of Car AC Repairs Unveiled

Listen, summers in Florida, Texas... heck, most of the country can be brutal. When your AC dies, it's miserable. But the real pain comes when you see the repair bill. Let's break down what hur

Tips & Tricks
Transmission Troubles: Spotting and Solving Your Car's Cry for Help

Car transmission: the thing that gets your car running and taking you where you need to be. It’s amazing, but, as with any machinery, it can have troubles. Let’s see how you can spot those

Revolutionary Spin: Unraveling the Mystique of Rotary Engines

Ever wondered how a rotary engine works? It's not your typical engine setup. Picture something spinning around a center axis, like a triangular rotor whizzing around an output shaft. This is the h

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