Exploring Auto Brand Popularity on Social Media: Insights from YouGov Study

Hey car buffs and social media savants! Ever wonder how people chat about auto brands online? Whether it's fawning over Tesla or griping about their latest car repairs, social media platforms are

Rotary Engines: Who Else Runs on Them Except Mazda?

Ever heard of a rotary engine? It's this nifty piece of engineering thаt swaps out trаditional pistons for a spinning rotor, mаking things like higher RPMs and а compact engine design not just pos

Rising Car Thefts Linked to Keyless Entry Systems: A Decade of Vulnerability

So, picture this: It’s over ten years ago, and experts are already waving red flags about those nifty keyless car systems. They’re saying these gadgets are an open invitation for thieves,

Car News
Buick Delays First Electric Vehicle: What's Next For The Carmaker?

Buick has long been hinting about their first North American electric vehicle, but details are yet unknown. Originally scheduled for this year, the model was first unveiled in 2022. Unfortunately

Tips & Tricks
Understanding Crumple Zones: Your Car's Hidden Lifesavers

Today, let's chat about something you often hear about but might not fully get: crumple zones. Sounds pretty dramatic, right? Well, these features are key players in keeping us safe during those u

Are Advanced Car Features Like ACC Worth It? Unpacking the Safety Data

So, you've probably heard about all these fancy car features like adaptive cruise control (ACC) and automatic emergency braking (AEB), right? Well, while AEB is set to be a must-have in cars by 20

BMW Through the Decades: A Nostalgic Look at Style Evolution

Remember the days when BMWs were the epitome of cool, sleek simplicity with perfect proportions? Those were the cars that turned heads and set hearts racing. I’ve been a BMW fan since before I c

The Rise and Fall of Two-Door SUVs: A Nostalgic Look Back

Remember those awesome, boxy beasts that used to roam the streets? The two-door SUVs? Yeah, me too. These days, they're rarer than a decent Wi-Fi signal on a road trip. But why? Weren't they,

Tesla Cybertruck Motor Swap Raises Concerns: Upgrade or Stealth Recall?

Uh oh, Cybertruck drama! Looks like Tesla's gotta swap out a motor in some of their already delivered trucks, and while they're saying it's just an "upgrade" for efficiency and r

Understanding Car Recalls: What They Mean for Your Vehicle

Let's be honest, cars are like fancy metal roommates – they get us places (hopefully without drama) but sometimes, things break down worse than a bad Tinder date.  That's when the s

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