This Solar-Powered Tesla Model Y Is A Custom Innovation For Enhanced Range
by AutoExpert | 19 January, 2024
Imagine jazzing up your Tesla Model Y with a custom solar roof, and that's exactly what a clever U.S. owner did. Meet DartSolar, the brain behind a two-year project that birthed a solar panel spectacle. Picture nine 175-watt panels unfolding on your Model Y's roof, stretching out to the size of a typical U.S. parking space.
How does it work? Think telescoping carbon fiber tubes connecting these panels, soaking up five hours of sunlight to give your car an extra 20 miles of range. The cool part is that these panels elegantly fold, stacking on your Tesla Model Y's roof in under a minute.
Lightweight at less than 165 lbs, it's not just a visual upgrade. Instead, it's a range booster wrapped in innovation!
DartSolar isn't slowing down. They're fine-tuning a sleeker second-gen prototype with carbon fiber. When this solar product hits production, it's estimated to set you back around $4,000.