Epic Car Maintenance Fails and How to Avoid Them

Okay, some people should just NOT be allowed near tools. Ever seen those "you had ONE job" memes? That's car maintenance sometimes. Here's the worst I've seen, and some I almost

Tips & Tricks
Dodge Dealership Fees: Your Ultimate Guide to Avoid Overpaying

Buying a car is expensive enough, right? Then the dealership hits you with all these random fees. It's enough to make you scream. So, let's break down what to watch for, so you don't walk

Highway Sign Secrets: How Businesses Get on Those Blue Roadside Signs

You know those signs, the ones pointing you towards gas, food, or a hotel when you're about to pass out on the highway? There's actually a whole system behind them, and some serious money invo

Supercharging 101: Boost Your Engine's Power with Air

You know how everyone's always trying to make their engines more powerful, right? Superchargers are one of the best ways to do it. Basically, they're like air compressors that cram more air in

Presidential Cars: The Car-Loving Commanders of the White House

Okay, quick question: what's one of the bummer parts about being President? You get this super fancy limo, but you never get to actually drive anything cool. Like, ever. Yeah, the Secret Servic

Tips & Tricks
North Carolina's Best Kept Secrets: Top Scenic and Thrilling Drives

Okay, road tripping isn't just about blasting past boring scenery. We want those twisty, scenic routes that make you and your car feel ALIVE. Luckily, North Carolina's got some hidden gems, fr

Parallel Parking Mastery: Conquer the City Streets with Confidence

Okay, let's be real. Parallel parking has a reputation for making perfectly normal people want to crawl under their cars and hide. But here's the secret: it's mostly a head game. You CAN m

Tips & Tricks
International Car Rental Guide: Navigating Overseas Driving Adventures

Okay, if you've ever rented a car abroad, you know it can be a little... different. Like that one time in Croatia when the rental guy told me to just throw the keys through the closed kiosk window

Tips & Tricks
Securing Your Smart Car: Defending Against Digital Dangers

This whole cybersecurity thing is getting really scary, right? I mean, first it's your laptop, then your phone, and now your CAR? Ugh. But yeah, all that fancy tech in new cars has a downside &

Car News
Elon Musk Teases Tesla Roadster: Will It Live Up To The Hype?

The Tesla brand got us very excited when it first unveiled the second-generation Roadster on November 16, 2017. However, by now, the dream sports car has still not hit the market.  On the othe

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