Car Show
Gear Up for Car Shows: Ultimate Guide to Showcasing Your Ride

Hey gearhead, looking to unleash your inner showstopper? Rev your engine for car shows – the ultimate place to brag (okay, showcase) your ride! But before you peel out, let's prep for an epi

Mustang Concepts Unveiled: The Coolest Ford Prototypes You Never Saw

Ford's celebrating the Mustang's big anniversary, and while we gotta love the classics, sometimes it's those "what ifs" that get the blood pumping. Y'know, the designs that g

Cadillac's Forgotten Child: The Rise and Fall of the LaSalle

You know how Cadillac killed off its sidekick, the LaSalle, in 1940? Well, turns out they weren't done toying with us. They kept bringing back the idea of a fancier, sportier Caddy – even di

Concept Cars of 2023: The Future Rides We Loved

Remember that crazy year 2023? Between dodging meteors and figuring out which robot dog was the goodest boy, automakers were cranking out concept cars like nobody's business! But with so many futu

From Land Rover To Audi: The Design Journey Of Massimo Frascella

Marc Lichte has been the Audi design boss for a decade and is now leaving for another position in the company. That's why, starting June 1st, the designer Massimo Frascella will do design con

Imagining the Future: A Luxury Saab SUV Concept by Lucid Motors' Designer

Although Saab is labeled as being dead with no chance of revival, that hasn’t deterred a senior designer from Lucid Motors from walling in the fantasy of picturing a future luxury SUV cherishing

Car News
Revved Up and Rolling: The Coolest Car Stories That Drove 2023

2024 has just begun, but we can't get over the coolest car stories from 2023—you know, those Aha! moments that made our eyeballs go out. Let's honor the last year with a cruise down memo

Car News
GM Hydrogen Fuel Cell Engine: A Glimpse into the Future of Sustainable Mobility

General Motors (GM) is pioneering in the automotive industry with its Hydrotec hydrogen fuel cell engine. This power-generating technology that blends hydrogen and oxygen prom

Genesis Vision GT: The Next Big Thing in Digital Hypercars Landing on December 2nd

Have you heard the latest from Genesis? They're about to unveil the Vision Gran Turismo concept, and let us tell you, it’s going to be epic. Set your reminders for December 2nd, because t

Desert Kings: The Best Cars for Surviving a Desert Journey

The allure of a desert journey, with its golden sands and endless horizons, beckons the daring heart. However, conquering such a formidable terrain demands a steely companion on wheels. This article u

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