Why Do We Turn into Maniacs Behind the Wheel? (It's Not Just Road Rage)

Yeah, that same old story, the car in front of view is moving at 1 tortoise per hour. And what do we do? Get nervous, hit the acceleration, and maybe even stare judgementally at the driver while overt

Top 10 States with the Worst Drivers: Surprising Data Revealed

So, you think YOUR town has the worst drivers? Well, hold my beer, 'cause this new study is about to blow your mind. These researchers dug through all the data on speeding tickets, road rage, the

Navigating the Risks: A Closer Look at Self-Driving Car Fatalities

Autonomous cars' industry is evolving quite fast, but is its safety as rapid in development? The Society of Automotive Engineers classifies self-driving cars into six levels, starting from Level 0

NHTSA Wants More Seat Belt Warning Systems In Cars

As always, the trusty seat belt has us securely fastened in place. It might seem like just a simple thing, but the history of how it evolved to become a lifesaver is pretty amazing. And honestly, we c
