Tips & Tricks
Living with the Lucid Air: A Year of Highs, Lows, and Head-Turning Moments

Man, just thinking about our Lucid Air gives us mixed feelings. This car is SO CLOSE to being the coolest thing on wheels. We drove our 1,000-horsepower 2022 Grand Touring Performance for a whole year

Carlex Design's Ultimate Luxury SUVs: Bling Beyond Belief

Okay, if you thought rappers showing off their bling was over the top, get a load of this – Carlex Design just made a collection of luxury SUVs so fancy, they make a Rolls Royce look understated

Carlex Design Introduces 'Seven Elysia': Exquisite Interior Upgrades For Elite SUVs

Carlex Design is renowned for its luxurious interior modifications, and its latest product, the "Seven Elysia" program, is made for seven premium SUV models. The Himalaya collectio

Car News
BYD Introduces The Denza D9 Gorgeous Minivan

The 2024 Geneva Motor Show is in full swing, with the Denza D9 minivan taking center stage. This European debut marks the automaker's arrival on the continent. As a reminder, Denza Company is a co

Ultra-Luxury on Wheels: 2024 Top Cars for the Elite

Okay, if you've always dreamed of rolling up to places in the plushest ride possible, it's time to upgrade your wish list. We're talking cars so fancy, they make a private jet look basic.

2024 Automotive Wishlist: Retro Revivals and Electric Innovations Await!

Okay, car fans, let's get real: what do you wanna see happen in 2024? 2023 threw some curveballs – new models, that crazy-looking Tesla truck, and a whole lotta unexpected stuff. So, what ar

Car News
Putin's Lavish Gift to Kim Jong Un: A Sanctions Defying Aurus Senat Limo

Okay, get this: Putin just gave Kim Jong Un the most ridiculous gift, and it's kinda pissing off the UN. So, Kim Jong Un took a trip to Russia and now he's got himself a fancy new ride &nda

Car News
Mercedes Introduces Flexible Charging System Pro For Simplified EV Charging

Mercedes is looking to develop charging systems that are more user-friendly for its customers with the launch of the Flexible Charging System Pro. But what exactly is this innovation? The Merc

Automotive Eyesores: The Search for the Ugliest Grille on Cars

Car design is a funny thing. One year, something looks fresh and cool, and the next, it makes you want to gouge your eyes out. Lately, it seems like car companies have forgotten that grilles are suppo

Concept Cars of 2023: The Future Rides We Loved

Remember that crazy year 2023? Between dodging meteors and figuring out which robot dog was the goodest boy, automakers were cranking out concept cars like nobody's business! But with so many futu

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