Carlex Design's Ultimate Luxury SUVs: Bling Beyond Belief

Okay, if you thought rappers showing off their bling was over the top, get a load of this – Carlex Design just made a collection of luxury SUVs so fancy, they make a Rolls Royce look understated

Car News
Pininfarina Enigma GT: A Hydrogen-Powered Vision of High-Speed Travel

Pininfarina, that famous Italian design house, just dropped a bombshell at the Geneva Motor Show. It's called the Enigma GT, and it's their vision for a super sleek, futuristic grand tourer &n

Car News
Kimera Evo38 Ignites Lancia Legacy: A Bold Italian Resurgence

After years on ice, Lancia's recent comeback with the Peugeot-based Ypsilon was... underwhelming. But another Italian company, Kimera Automobili, has a much cooler idea for reviving the brand'

2024 Automotive Wishlist: Retro Revivals and Electric Innovations Await!

Okay, car fans, let's get real: what do you wanna see happen in 2024? 2023 threw some curveballs – new models, that crazy-looking Tesla truck, and a whole lotta unexpected stuff. So, what ar

Design Duds: Which Car Brand Has the Ugliest Lineup?

We all know there are some tragically ugly cars out there, but have you ever stopped to think about entire BRANDS that just can't seem to get it right? It's like a tragic car design epidemic.

Concept Cars of 2023: The Future Rides We Loved

Remember that crazy year 2023? Between dodging meteors and figuring out which robot dog was the goodest boy, automakers were cranking out concept cars like nobody's business! But with so many futu

2023's Concept Car Letdowns: When Futuristic Dreams Yawn

Oh boy, diving into the world of concept cars is like flipping through the pages of a sci-fi novel, except this time, it's all about cars. 2023 threw a bunch of these wild rides our way, and whi

From Land Rover To Audi: The Design Journey Of Massimo Frascella

Marc Lichte has been the Audi design boss for a decade and is now leaving for another position in the company. That's why, starting June 1st, the designer Massimo Frascella will do design con

McLaren SUV: Imagining the Future with Designer Sergiy Dvornytskyy

For many years, McLaren firmly declined the possibility of introducing an SUV or a crossover. However, in the past 18 months, and under the industry veteran’s Michel Leiter's lead – Mc

Car Construction Decoded: Monocoque, Unibody, and Body-on-Frame Explained

So, you're curious about what makes your car stand as sturdy as it does, right? It's all about how it's put together, and there are a couple of cool ways manufacturers do this: monocoque a

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