Hennessey Velociraptor 10x10 Rendering Is The Ultimate Beast
by AutoExpert | 1 March, 2022
Just like scientists uncover facts, we discover Hennessey variations. We have no idea why this rendering has ten wheels. Some all-terrain armored vehicles have eight wheels to distribute the weight. That could explain it.
With two axles cutting directly through all of the passenger doors, this design isn't very practical either. In order to get in, you'd have to go through roof like you would on a tank. While the designer's intentions for his Raptor are unknown, it is safe to assume that it will not be a standard Ford engine.
At least 40% of the drivetrain's efficiency will be lost if the vehicle has 5 axles. To get around this, you may use electric motors to power each axle separately. No jack or lift can support such a beast, making maintenance a headache. We'd call this rendering an entirely new level of craziness. Do you agree with us?