BMW amazes fans with the first truck produced by the Bavarians!
by AllAutoExperts | 8 July, 2015
BMW is known for investments in the development of more efficient and environmentally friendly cars, but no one would have ever thought that the Bavarians will ever build the first electric truck.
But do not panic! The truck built in partnership with SCHERM will not be sold anywhere in the world! It is built only to serve the needs of the BMW and carrying parts needed across the city. The vehicle weighs 40 tonnes and is powered by electric batteries that ensure its capability to go 100 kilometers in the city.
BMW became the first European automobile manufacturer building its own logistics network using electric vehicles. Compared with a conventional truck, driven by diesel engines, EV Bavarian town will save 11.8 tonnes of CO2 annually, the equivalent carbon emissions of 3 Series 320d trucks, if the latter would make three round the world trips!