Let’s talk about giving your car's engine a good spring cleaning, shall we? I mean, we're all about keeping our rides in top-notch shape, right? Well, one thing your mechanic might sugge
Let's face it, these days every car under the sun has those fancy "auto" wipers that come on whenever the raindrops throw a tiny tantrum. But back in the good ol' days (read: the 80s
Last year, one of the "original" AMG founders developed and unveiled the HWA EVO, a restomod Mercedes 190E. News has now spread that the Concours of Elegance Germany will auction off the fir
Cars are getting better and more creative day by day. Packed with tech, efficient, and comfortable – they're a big leap from the sputtering jalopies of yesteryear. But there's always roo
You want the lowdown on the worst pickup ever? Forget that spiky monstrosity from Tesla, we're talking real stinkers here. This might surprise you, but it involves Hyundai. Yup, Hyundai. Their
Ever flipped through photos of a fancy car show and wondered where all the classic rides are in China? Well, there's a reason for that. Owning a cool, old car in China is a whole different ball ga
Ever heard of a catalytic converter? It's that mysterious muffler thingy under your car, and apparently, it's become a hot item for thieves – literally and figuratively! Why? Buckle u
Hey, just caught wind that you’ve had a run-in with a storm? Rough stuff, especially if your car took the hit—it's like nature just threw a tantrum right on your driveway. But hey, n
You park like a boss, feeling all smug and victorious. Then, when you get back to your car, there it is: an ugly scratch making all that car side look ... ugh! Before you start picturing a hefty body
Top down, sun on your face, music blasting - cruising in your convertible should be included in Top 10 pleasures of this planet! Rips, tears, the occasional rogue bird dropping – it happens!