Speed Lovers, Prepare For Your Nightmare!
by AutoExpert | 1 July, 2021
European Union has just rolled out a directive obliging all cars produced from 2022 and on to come with a speed limiter onboard. Although we have already heard it back in 2019, what seemed to be from the far away future is coming… in a few months.
Although one way to face the problem is not face it at all and simply not talk about it, Rory Reid from Autotrader decided to explain the changes in a very informative video.
So, the cars homologated till July 6, 2022, will have time until 2024 to become compliant with the ruling. The involved technology comes with a blend of GPS data and road-sign recognition cameras.
The cars will help the driver adjust his speed through various signals, like pulsing lights, sounds, and even pushing back the accelerator pedal. But all this raises another question: are we sure that the road-sign recognition systems are always working flawlessly? Doesn’t this raise the risk for other types of accidents?
The UK seems to also be in the affected zone, despite having left the European Union, while the Americans are still on hold. Some states may actually make this technology mandatory at some point, so hold on.