Future of Car Repair: High-Tech Innovations Transforming Auto Service

Can you even imagine having to get under the hood and get your hands greasy just to fix something wrong with your car? Yeah, me neither - those days are becoming ancient history faster than you can sa

Navigating the Shifts in Online Car Buying: Insights and Trends

Hey everyone! Let’s chat about the rollercoaster world of car buying—especially the online kind. We're here to spill some real tea on what’s been going down with car dealers and

Car News
BMW Revamps Model Naming: 'i' Reserved for Electrics Only

You know how German car companies love messing with how they name their cars? Well, BMW's doing it again, but this time it actually makes sense! They're dropping the "i" from all the

Electric Vehicles Hit a Financial Roadblock: The Struggle for Profitability

Okay, the whole EV thing is hitting a wall. Sales are kinda rising, but nobody's making the big bucks they predicted. Ford especially – they're LOSING money on every EV sold, like, billi

Navigating the Risks: A Closer Look at Self-Driving Car Fatalities

Autonomous cars' industry is evolving quite fast, but is its safety as rapid in development? The Society of Automotive Engineers classifies self-driving cars into six levels, starting from Level 0

Decoding General Motors' Decision to Part Ways with Opel

In 1929, General Motors (GM) made a strategic move by acquiring Opel, aiming to dominate the European auto market. Alfred P. Sloan Jr, the then-CEO of GM, envisioned this acquisition as a step towards

Car News
The Unlikely Trio: Three Lexus Models Trailing Behind the RZ EV in Sales

Lexus, the epitome of luxury and elegance in the automotive realm, ventured into the electric vehicle market with the introduction of its RZ EV. This compact SUV, despite its mediocre reviews, particu

Car News
BMW's Commitment to Combustion Engines Defies Industry Trends

In an era where the automotive industry is rapidly electrifying, BMW's unwavering commitment to combustion engines is making waves. While other manufacturers rush to embrace electric mobility, BMW

Car News
Unveiling the Future: 7 Exciting Car Trends to Watch Out for in 2023

Half down the road for 2023 and we still keep being amazed at how the automotive industry is changing! It is is evolving at a breathtaking pace, and 2023 promises to be a year of groundbreaking innova

Car News
Diana Grigor a girl good at cars!

It is as cheerful and interesting discussions on any topic, and why cars would be a topic of discussion, especially if it is an interview with singer Diana Grigor agrees and it is a portal about cars
