Tips & Tricks
Avoid Summer Blowouts: How Heat Affects Your Tires and Safety

You know how in summer, highways look like someone had a tire fight? Yeah, that's not an accident. Heat + bad tires = BOOM. Here's the deal: The Heat is ON: Roads get HOT in summer,

Tips & Tricks
How to Top Up Your Car's Coolant: Easy Steps for a Cool Ride

Cars are awesome, but they do need some looking after. One of the worst things is seeing that temperature gauge creeping up... Good news is, topping up your coolant is easy and helps prevent that whol

Tips & Tricks
Surviving Easter Traffic: Outsmart the Jams!

Okay, Easter traffic is the WORST. They're predicting a gazillion cars on the road this year, which means those usual bottlenecks are gonna be total nightmares. But listen, we don't have to ju

Dealer Markups Soar: Shocking Price Hikes on Popular Cars

This whole markup thing has gotten straight-up ridiculous. It's like car dealers think we're all made of money! And the worst part? They're adding these insane markups to some of the newes

Under Surveillance: How Automakers Sell Your Driving Data to Insurers

This report from the New York Times is straight-up bonkers. Automakers are basically handing over all our driving data to insurance companies, who then use it to jack up our rates. Like, what the actu

Tips & Tricks
Underseal: The Essential Defense Against Car Rust

Rust is a total pain. One minute your car's fine, the next it's failing its inspection because you could practically poke your finger through the floorboards. Underseal is one way to fight bac

Auto Nightmares: The Most Terrifying Car Experiences Shared by Enthusiasts

Halloween might be the official spooky season, but let's be real – sometimes the worst scares happen behind the wheel. We polled the Auto Express crew to share their most terrifying car stor

Tips & Tricks
Surviving Summer: The Real Cost of Car AC Repairs Unveiled

Listen, summers in Florida, Texas... heck, most of the country can be brutal. When your AC dies, it's miserable. But the real pain comes when you see the repair bill. Let's break down what hur

Unraveling the Mystery of Car Depreciation: What You Need to Know

Ugh, car depreciation – because money doesn't grow on rrees, unfortunately. Seriously, between the crazy monthly payments and insane gas prices, you'd think owning a car was punishm

Tips & Tricks
Securing Your Smart Car: Defending Against Digital Dangers

This whole cybersecurity thing is getting really scary, right? I mean, first it's your laptop, then your phone, and now your CAR? Ugh. But yeah, all that fancy tech in new cars has a downside &

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