Retro Car Features: BMW's Customizable Wiper Speeds of the 80s and 90s

Let's face it, these days every car under the sun has those fancy "auto" wipers that come on whenever the raindrops throw a tiny tantrum. But back in the good ol' days (read: the 80s

Japanese Performance Cars Shine in US Auto Museums: Exploring New Exhibits

Not so long ago the "cool cars" referred to American muscle cars and that's all. The rest were perceived as...mhm..okay. But no more! The well-known famous Japanese cars are finally allo

Navigating Classic Car Ownership in China: Challenges and Changes

Ever flipped through photos of a fancy car show and wondered where all the classic rides are in China? Well, there's a reason for that. Owning a cool, old car in China is a whole different ball ga

Hold My Beer, Bugatti. These Autobahn Runs are INSANE

So, we all know the autobahn's this legendary speed freak's paradise, right? Turns out the craziest stories are true. But here's the thing: it's not about fancy new supercars. Let&#

Car News
Toyota's Trail-Ready Titan: An In-Depth Look At The 2025 4Runner

Finally, the fifth-generation Toyota 4Runner is going out of production to make way for the first completely revamped 4Runner since the Bush administration. The 4Runner will forego the V6 in favo

Breaking Speed: The Battle for the Fastest Car Title

You gotta start with the basics – those old guys racing on salt flats? That's where land speed records started. It's gotta be two runs, averaged out, to be official. The Boring (But O

Tips & Tricks
Navigating Car Rental Under 25: A Young Driver’s Guide

So, you can vote, join the army... but you can't rent wheels? Welcome to the frustrating world of car rentals if you're under 25. Here's the lowdown: The BS Reason: Insurance comp

Revving Through History: The Top 10 Greatest Race Car Drivers of All Time

Let's be real, race car fans are some of the most opinionated folks out there. We LOVE a good debate about NASCAR, Indy Car, Formula One... hey, who doesn't get heated arguing over the greates

Car News
Revolutionizing the Road: Biden's Bold Push for Electric Vehicles

Hey there! Big news are in – Biden's team has just dropped the harshest and strictest car emission rules the US has ever heard of, all meant to get more electric vehicles (EVs) on the road.

Car News
The New Citroen Basalt Vision Is The Future Of Coupe Crossovers

French automaker Citroen has unveiled the Basalt, a new SUV Coupe that will be manufactured in India and South America. Most importantly, the Citroen Basalt Vision is a sneak peek of the finished

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