Which Car Brands Rack Up the Most Speeding Tickets? Insights from Insurify

Hey everyone, ever wonder which cаr brands seem to аttract the most speeding tickets? Well, it turns out, it’s not just аbout the car, but maybe аlso the type of driver they аttract. A couple of

Top Gadgets to Deter Car Theft in 2024: Keeping Your Ride Safe

Hey there! Worried about keeping your car from becoming someone else's ride without your permission? I hear you. While it's greаt to have solid insurаnce just in case, wouldn't it be nice

Are Advanced Car Features Like ACC Worth It? Unpacking the Safety Data

So, you've probably heard about all these fancy car features like adaptive cruise control (ACC) and automatic emergency braking (AEB), right? Well, while AEB is set to be a must-have in cars by 20

Ultimate Guide to Car Mounts, Chargers, and Dashcams for Safe Driving

Hit the gas and get readу for a fun ride with your phone as your copilot! We've all been there, fumbling with phones while driving, trуing to be DJs, navigators, and texters all at once. Not a goo

Shocking Study Reveals Women Pay More for Car Insurance in Most States

So, get this: women often pay MORE for car insurance than men. A new study dug into the numbers, and the results are seriously annoying. We found out that in a whopping 37 STATES, women are shelling o

Car News
Wanna Know How GM Spied on Your Driving? Buckle Up, It's INFURIATING

Okay, remember that whole mess with GM selling our driving data? Turns out, even a reporter who was ON this story got caught in it... she thought she'd opted out, but NOPE. And she's far from

Crash Costs: Uncovering Who Pays for High-Speed Motorsports Mishaps

You see those cars go WHAM into the wall at 200mph and think, "That's gotta cost a fortune!" So, who's footing the bill? Turns out, it's WAY more complicated than your regular ca

Tips & Tricks
Understanding and Preventing Car Fires: Essential Safety Tips

Okay, car fires are rare, but they're seriously bad news. Knowing what causes them can help you avoid that whole mess. Thing is, it's usually not ONE reason – it's a bunch of stuff g

Revolutionizing Car Maintenance: Advanced Diagnostics Transforms Auto Care

How about, instead of your mechanic just jotting down a few notes about your car, you go to someone who has all sorts of fancy tech to see what's REALLY going on under the hood. It's like your

Upgrade Your Trailer Towing Experience with Advanced Monitoring Systems

Modern cars are seriously smart. Fancy sensors, warnings about EVERYTHING... but what about your trailer? That thing needs some love too! Towing monitors are a whole new level, giving you the inside s

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