Tips & Tricks
Exploring Smart Cars: Advanced Self-Diagnostic Features

Hey friends, buckle up because I'm about to lay some crazy knowledge on you about how smart our cars have gotten these days. We're talking straight-up self-diagnosing wizardry that would make

License Plates: Way More Interesting Than You Thought

Remember when there were, like, NO cars? Yeah, neither do we. But in 1900, owning a car was a rich-person flex. Governments realized they needed to track who owned what, hence the first license plates

Canada's Auto Theft Epidemic: Vehicles Vanish, Often Ending Up Overseas

The government of Canada has called a national meeting to discuss the increasing problem of auto theft, which is becoming a major concern. The summit is scheduled for February 8th. The Canadian govern

Charging into Danger: The Hidden Cybersecurity Risks of EV Chargers

As electric vehicles (EVs) gain popularity, a new concern arises: the vulnerability of EV chargers to cyber attacks. While we appreciate the convenience and environmental benefits of these charging st

Tips & Tricks
Navigating Teen Driving: Top 3 Apps for Monitoring Their Journey on the Road

The road to teen driving is laden with mixed emotions - a blend of exhilaration for the teens and a dash of anxiety for the parents. As teenagers step into this new realm of independence, parents are

Tips & Tricks
Investing in Timelessness: A Comprehensive Guide to Classic Car Insurance in 2023

So, you’ve got your hands on a vintage beauty, huh? Whether it's a '69 Ford Mustang or a '57 Chevy Bel Air, owning a classic car is like holding a piece of history. But here’s

Tips & Tricks
Hop In and Buckle Up: Your Ultimate Guide to Ridesharing Safety in 2023

So, ridesharing. It’s pretty much the sliced bread of modern transportation, right? It’s quick, it’s easy, and it’s usually cheaper than a taxi. But let’s be real; being

Polestar and Circulor Latest Partnership Ensures A Long-Expected Transparency For Their EV Building Process

Did you know that Polestar has only one battery-electric model on sale? And they have released so far, the Polestar 2 which is now in dealerships and, the next project is the production of t
