Tips & Tricks
Avoiding Pothole Damage: Tips to Protect Your Car in the City

Listen, cruising down the city streets with the windows down, blasting some tunes – pure joy, right? But hold on to your cowboy hat – those same roads can turn into tire-shredding bea

Car News
New Car Safety Mandate: Automatic Emergency Braking Required by 2030

Hey there, buckle up! We're getting deeper into car safety, where things are getting a little... weird. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) is hitting the brakes on car cras

Tips & Tricks
Why Cold Weather Triggers Your Car's Tire Pressure Light

You know how it goes: You wake up, it's freezing outside, and BAM – that stupid tire pressure light is glaring at you from the dashboard. Like, seriously car, can't I have ONE peaceful m

Top 10 States with the Worst Drivers: Surprising Data Revealed

So, you think YOUR town has the worst drivers? Well, hold my beer, 'cause this new study is about to blow your mind. These researchers dug through all the data on speeding tickets, road rage, the

Revolutionize Your Drive with Advanced Tire Pressure Management Systems

Did you know James Bond's cars have them? Hummers too. Basically, they keep your tires at the perfect pressure, no matter what kind of terrain you're driving on. Pretty cool, right? Why Bot

The Limits of Auto Safety Tech: How Bad Weather Challenges Modern Cars

You know all those fancy safety systems in new cars? The ones that slam on the brakes for you or warn you if you're drifting lanes? Yeah, turns out they're not so smart in bad weather. AAA jus

Self-Driving Vans Transform Lives in Grand Rapids, MN

You know, those self-driving cars everyone's talking about? They could be a total game-changer for people with disabilities, especially folks like Myrna in Grand Rapids, Minnesota. Myrna has quadr

Tips & Tricks
Maximizing EV Battery Life: Essential Tips for Longevity

Okay, we love our EVs, but those batteries can be kinda picky. To keep them running strong for years, we need to follow some basic rules – nothing crazy, but it's worth knowing. Jason ove

Tips & Tricks
Tire Talk: Navigating the Choices from Summer to All-Season

Summer or all-season, which is the way to go? Picture this: You're planning the ultimate road trip playlist, but first, let's sort out what's rolling under your ride, without making it s

Tips & Tricks
Convertible, Roadster, Targa: Decoding Open-Air Driving Bliss

Driving with the wind down your face, full adrenaline boost in your heart and an absolute feeling of freedom... You got it. We're talking about those top-up, top-down marvellous cars that come i

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