In the US A Woman Was Betrayed By Her Own Car
by AllAutoExperts | 19 January, 2016
A woman fled the scene of an accident, but was arrested after the car she was driving called the police and reported the event!
It seems impossible, but the case has been reported in the US, and now the driver risks imprisonment. The 57-year-old woman hit a truck and a van, and tried to flee the scene afterward.
What the lady did not know, is that her Ford production car had an automatic emergency call function in case an accident occurs. The system is based on some sensors that detect sudden changes in direction and/or if the airbags were deployed.
This car system provides information to emergency services about the place and time of the accident, after that, the driver has the freedom to provide further information. When questioned by police, the woman claimed that "everything is fine" and that "she would never flee the scene of an accident".Nice try lady!
Note that such technologies are also on Ford, BMW, and Volvo cars and since March of 2018 will become compulsory for all of the cars sold in the European Union.
Below you can see an example of such a system offered by Ford Mustang.