We have seen some UGLY cars, but these can only be described as FUGLY!
by AllAutoExperts | 17 April, 2020
Some of them were actual production models, others appear to be the result of too much alcohol or smoke or both by whoever designed them!
The industrial strength ugly of this assortment of automotive abortions can only be seen to be understood, and remember what has been seen cannot be unseen so look at the risk of rupturing your automotive sensibilities and please don't have a mouthful of coffee when you take your first look, it might end up in your keyboard!
1.1961 Citroen Ami looks like a Mercury that was forgotten in the dryer.
2. Lancia commissioned famed industrial designer Raymond Loewy
3. Ssangyong Rodius looks like it was designed over the telephone and the guy let his dog help.
4.Aurora Safety Car of the 1950s
5.DeSoto: they couldn't let it die with dignity
6.Pummeled with an ugly stick
7. I remember these: hard-on-the-eyes Datsun F-10 (1977)
8.Jeremy Clarkson described Ford Scorpio as a wide-mouthed frog.