So, you've been hit with your first speeding ticket—ouch! Join the club; it's a pretty big one. From your first awkward date to your first job interview and now this, life's full of
Hey everyone, ever wonder which cаr brands seem to аttract the most speeding tickets? Well, it turns out, it’s not just аbout the car, but maybe аlso the type of driver they аttract. A couple of
Okay, let’s talk driving habits. We all have a few—some good, some not so hot. Ever wonder if those little quirks behind the wheel are actually bashing your beloved car’s health? Wel
Busted with a ticket? Don't pаnic! You've got options, but before you heаd to court like a knight in shining armor, hold on a sec. This article will be your trusty squire, helping you decide i
Hitting the gas pedal like Lewis Hamilton on the Autobahn might be a thing of the past in Europe. Starting this July, all new cars and trucks sold there gotta have a built-in copilot &ndas
Ah, road construction season—also known as the only season besides winter! No snow means detour signs and orange cones all over the roads. And while the slow-moving traffic can be a headache, th
We've all probably dit it at one point or another – been distracted driving. You wanna chenge the song or take a neaka bite of that burger; it's about the stuff that steals from your foc
In today’s fast-paced world, cars are no longer a luxury but a necessity. From the compact sedans that navigate city streets to high-speed sports cars that grace racetracks, the world of automob
Hey, all you road warriors and Sunday drivers! Raise your hand if you've never made a mistake behind the wheel. No one? Thought so! We’ve all had those “oops” moments while drivi
News surfaced a few months ago that North Carolina wanted to outlaw the iconic "Carolina Squat." The North Carolina House of Representatives overwhelmingly passed House Bill 692 and forwarde