Mastering the Dance: Exploring Four-Wheel Steering in Cars

Today is about diving into the world of cars that practically dance on the road thanks to something called four-wheel steering (4WS) or all-wheel steering (AWS). Remember those '80s vibes? Well, c

Tips & Tricks
Understanding Car Safety Rating: A Driver's Guide

Most drivers come to a moment when they ask themselves: is my car really safe? We’ve decided to shed some light on it and help everybody understand car safety. All About Car’s Safe

Mazda Accelerates Rotary Resurgence By Investing In Wankel Engine Innovation

Mazda is diving back into rotary engines with a dedicated team of 36 engineers, aiming to amp up Wankel engine technology. The carmaker is not just nostalgic about it. Instead, they're eyeing the

Car News
MG Cyberster Red Top Edition: A Tribute to 100 Years of Legacy

MG brought out the limited electric sportscar special edition by Cyberster, known as the Red Top Edition, which pretty much resembles the color scheme of the Mazda MX-5 Miata 100th-anniversary edition

Decoding Car Trims: From LE to SRT, What Do They Mean?

Picture this: you're eyeing up cars and keep seeing these terms like LE, XLE, SXT, and you're like, "What in the world of streaming services does all this mean?" Welcome to the wil

Car News
Toyota Pulls The Plug On Several Diesel-Powered Vehicles

Toyota is facing challenges with three diesel engines installed in various models, including issues with airbags in Daihatsu-built models. The Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport, and Tourism

Revolutionary Spin: Unraveling the Mystique of Rotary Engines

Ever wondered how a rotary engine works? It's not your typical engine setup. Picture something spinning around a center axis, like a triangular rotor whizzing around an output shaft. This is the h

Car News
End of an Era: Mazda6 Bids Farewell in Japan

Oh man, have you heard about the Mazda6 in Japan? Total bummer! Mazda's pulling the plug on it. But wait, it's been around since 2002. That's like, forever in car years. Anyway, if you mov

Liberty Walk's LB40 AZ-1: A Kei Car Transformed

Liberty Walk takes a bold departure from the norm with its latest creation for the 2024 Tokyo Auto Salon, the LB Works LB40 AZ-1. This unique project transforms Autozam's '90s kei car into a w

Cars We're Saying Goodbye to in 2024: An End of an Era

You know how every year we get excited about the new models hitting the roads? Today, besides getting excited about novelties, let's take a moment and think about the beauties we won't be

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