Car News
Bertone Celebrates 110 Years With Groundbreaking GB110 Supercar

  At this month's Top Marques Monaco, Bertone unveiled their new GB110 supercar for the first time in person. Bertone, a legendary automobile design business, declared bankruptcy in 20

Tips & Tricks
Avoiding Pothole Damage: Tips to Protect Your Car in the City

Listen, cruising down the city streets with the windows down, blasting some tunes – pure joy, right? But hold on to your cowboy hat – those same roads can turn into tire-shredding bea

Dream Garage: 10 Futuristic Car Features That Will Blow Your Mind

Cars are getting better and more creative day by day. Packed with tech, efficient, and comfortable – they're a big leap from the sputtering jalopies of yesteryear. But there's always roo

Electric Vehicle Market Trends 2024: Slowing Growth but Promising Future

Are you ready to hit the panic button on the whole EVs subject? Hold your horses, cause we have some untangling to do first! Yep, EV sales are going up as we speak, they're even expected to hit

Tips & Tricks
Recovering from Storm Damage: Essential Tips for Restoring Your Car

Hey, just caught wind that you’ve had a run-in with a storm? Rough stuff, especially if your car took the hit—it's like nature just threw a tantrum right on your driveway. But hey, n

Exploring MIT's City Car: The Future of Urban Mobility

Imagine ditching the parking struggle and rush hour rage forever. That's the wild idea behind the City Car, a game-changer designed by brainiacs at MIT. This ain't your grandpa's gas guzzl

Tips & Tricks
Surviving Summer: How to Avoid Dangerous Tire Blowouts

You know how summer road trips sometimes feel like driving through a tire graveyard? Chunks of rubber everywhere! Turns out, there's a reason for all the carnage – it's officially "

Top Fastest Cars: Electrics Dominate the 0-60 Sprint

If raw acceleration makes you weak in the knees, this one's for you. We're not gonna get into every single stat – weight, power figures, that stuff gets boring. Today's about the car

Can We Achieve a Death-Proof Car? Exploring the Future of Vehicle Safety

Remember that crazy flick "Death Proof" with the psycho who crash-proofed his car? Got me thinking... could we ever REALLY have a car that makes you invincible on the road? The Old-School

Tips & Tricks
Unlocking the Secrets to Buying Reliable Used Cars: A Mechanic's Guide

The thing about used cars is, some are built like tanks and others are built like... well, not tanks. Mechanics see it all, and here's the inside scoop: Toyota's Unstoppable: Seriousl

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